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Eastpointe's board has 9 members. All terms are for 3 years. Each year, (at least) 3 seats are up for election.

If an elected board member leaves the board for any reason, the remaining board members may appoint a unit owner as a board member to finish out the current year. At the next annual election in May, the remaining years of that term will also go up for election in addition to the usual 3 seats. For example, if a board member gets elected to a 3 year term, and quits after 7 months, the Board may appoint someone to finish out the remaining 5 months of that first year. Then the remaining 2 years of that term will go up for election in May. There would therefore be 4 seats up for election in that case. The top 3 vote getters will have a 3 year term and the 4th place vote getter will have that 2 year term.

BOG history
1 Scenic Drive, Highlands NJ 07732

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1 Scenic Drive, Highlands NJ 07732

Map and Directions
