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Annual Checklist




Request for candidates for the BOG mailed out to the homeowners

1st week of March)

- Get permits/licenses from Highlands. A check needed for stickers.

- If using pool company (ie DeFalco) call to set a date to open pool system (~May 15)

- If using a heater company (ie Bill Ranson Pool Heater) set up date (- May 16) for the heater.

- Call Health Dept for an inspection (~ May 15)

- Call for electrical inspection (ie Kerrigan) to set up an inspection date (~May 16)


Send out ballots for the annual BOG elections.

1st week of April)

- Power wash the pool.

- Paint the pool (floor and walls) store: Sherman-Williams in Shewsbury

- Floor/Walls: Ramue #9101 ACR DS Dawn Blue (~12.5 gallons)

- Border Tiles: Ramue #303 DS Dark Blue (1 gallon)

- Paint Pool coping white


Contact Sandy Hook for Season Passes.

Treasurer prepared a budget for review based on 9 months actual/3 months estimated.

Beginning of May

- Power wash chairs, lounges, and Concrete around the pool.

- Paint Pergolas if needed.

May 12

- Start filling the pool (2-3 days)

- Our staff primes the pumps and filters in the Pool Room

- Our staff Installs ropes and signs

- Staff checks that the heater is working every day.

After May 15

- Bring ~8 flowerpots from storage,

- Fill flowerpots by landscaper

- Landscaper cleans up the hill by the pool.

- Install the 911 Telephone by the pool.


- BOG approves annual the budget (must happen before July 1 if a maintenance increase is needed)



Provide auditor with complete financials for the year ending June 30.

Schedule presentation of the annual audit.


Pool generally closes on the last Sunday in September (weather may change this)


- Step 1) Drain the pool

- Step 2) Winterize the pool (ie DeFalco)

- Step 3) Winterize the heater (ie Bill Ranson)

- Step 4) Our staff covers the header for the winter

-Our staff puts away: ropes, chairs, lounges, flowerpots, phone



December 7 – pay annual building insurance ~ $100,000

Random Annual things (that should be scheduled at some point)

Pay water bill (quarterly?)

Gas 2 monthly


Bulk pickup (quarterly?)

Antenna contracts renewal

CD renewal rollover

Window Washing


Pay taxes

Reserve Study

Roof leaks

Roof fans